Privacy and Security Policy and Terms of Use

At PARx Solutions, we take data security and protection of Protected Health Information (PHI) seriously. We have procedures in place and take appropriate precautions to ensure that all information is protected, safe and secure and to guard all data to the best of our abilities.

This describes how patients’ private medical information may be used and disclosed by PARx Solutions, Inc. and how access to this information can occur. Please review carefully.

PARx Solutions is committed to protecting patients’ personal information, and complying with all laws and regulations related to the usage of protected health information (PHI). PARx Solutions is dedicated to assisting the patient and the health care professional and must disclose, in the course of doing our work, patients’ private health information in order to provide the best possible service.

This Notice applies to PARx Solutions uses and disclosures of individually identifiable Protected Health Information (“PHI”) received or created by PARx Solutions under the Standards for Privacy of Protected Health Information disseminated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, subject to applicable state laws.

A. PARx Solutions must by law safeguard and protect patients’ Protected Health Information, comply with this Notice, and provide this Notice.

B. PARx Solutions’ Privacy Practices and future changes to this Notice. PARx Solutions reserves the right to change its privacy practices. Changes may be applicable to patients’ PHI obtained before any such change. If a change is material, this Notice will be updated to reflect such change. For a written copy of this notice, contact PARx Solutions at 20 Mall Road, Suite 225, Burlington, MA 01803

C. The law permits us to use and disclose patients’ PHI for purposes of providing treatment.

I. Permitted Uses and Disclosures for purposes of treatment, payment and healthcare operations.

In order to obtain Prior Authorization approval from a health plan, PARx Solutions will have to disclose a patient’s PHI to the health plan, and to a patient’s health care provider after a response back from the health plan.

This information may be disclosed to physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare professionals and suppliers for the purpose of a patient’s healthcare.

Should a patient, family member or other authorized individual require access to information stored or captured by PARx Solutions, such a request will need to be requested through the health care provider. If a patient has changed health care providers, then the request for information will need to be requested through the previous health care provider which had an established Business Associate Agreement with PARx Solutions.

II. Other Uses and Disclosures Which Do Not Require a patient’s Authorization. The law allows us to use and disclose a patient’s PHI without their authorization in the following circumstance:

A. When Required by Law. We must use and disclose PHI when we are required to do so by federal, state or local law. When supplied with a court ordered subpoena, summons, or warrant, PARx Solutions may have to share a patient’s PHI with government authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration, Health Oversight Agencies, Law Enforcement agencies, and for the purposes of required Adverse Event Reporting.